thumbnail of MAP Solar

MAP Solar

Return 7.5% IRR
Term 15 years
Total Invested £675k
442  investors
Maturity date 26 Jan 2023
thumbnail of MAP Solar

A portfolio of some of the earliest rooftop solar in the UK, providing renewable solar energy

MAP Solar was set up to own and manage a 405kWp portfolio consisting of 134 solar PV systems installed on domestic rooftops around the UK. The systems have been generating renewable solar electricity since they were installed between 2011 and 2013.

The solar panels were installed under a long-term lease at no cost for the homeowners who can use the electricity generated for free, helping to reduce their electricity bills. In return, MAP Solar collected the Feed-in Tariffs that are received for the electricity generated from the systems, and was responsible for the ongoing monitoring and maintenance of the solar panels. The solar PV systems have a broad distribution across England and Wales.

MAP Solar’s parent company (MAP EFS Ltd) raised money on Abundance in 2016 to refinance the solar portfolio and put the money into its energy efficiency and LED lighting business. In 2023 the portfolio was purchased by a new owner who chose to make an early repayment of the investment, as allowed under the terms of the Deed. This investment was fully repaid on 26 January 2023.

Key terms

Issuer MAP Solar
Return 7.5% IRR
Term period 15 years
Start date 1 April 2016
Maturity date 26 January 2023
Capital repayment Regular instalments
Amount raised £675,000.00
Secured or unsecured Unsecured


Debenture Deed
Download PDF The debenture deed sets out the legal agreement and terms for this investment.

Payment schedule

This table gives a breakdown of what was paid back on this investment, based on an example investment of £1,000.

Payment schedule table
Payment date Capital repayment Interest Total
8 September 2016 £16.67 £11.65 £28.32
10 March 2017 £33.33 £23.31 £56.64
8 September 2017 £33.33 £23.31 £56.64
9 March 2018 £33.33 £23.31 £56.64
7 September 2018 £33.33 £23.31 £56.64
11 March 2019 £33.33 £23.31 £56.64
6 September 2019 £33.33 £23.31 £56.64
10 March 2020 £33.33 £23.31 £56.64
8 September 2020 £33.33 £23.31 £56.64
11 March 2021 £33.33 £23.31 £56.64
8 September 2021 £33.33 £23.31 £56.64
11 March 2022 £33.33 £23.31 £56.64
8 September 2022 £33.33 £23.31 £56.64
26 January 2023 £583.37 £59.49 £642.86
Total £1,000.00 £350.86 £1,350.86