thumbnail of Anesco South West Renewables

Anesco South West Renewables

Return 7.0% IRR
Term 6 years
Total Invested £495k
165  investors
Maturity date 09 Jun 2020
thumbnail of Anesco South West Renewables

A mixture of renewables and energy saving improvements for housing associations and businesses

Anesco South West Renewables raised £495,000 in spring 2016 to refinance the funding for biomass boilers, rooftop solar, LED lighting and roof insulation installed across housing associations and businesses. The portfolio of measures earned revenues through the Renewable Heat Incentive for biomass, the Feed-in Tariff for solar, and payments from energy savings.

The technology was installed at domestic homes and private businesses, giving the people that live and work there the opportunity to lower their bills and benefit from a more sustainable living or working environment.

In 2020, Anesco South West Renewables asked investors to vote on a proposal to allow the company to repay the Debentures earlier than scheduled, including all interest that was due to investors over the remaining term. Investors accepted the proposal and this investment was repaid in full on 9 June 2020.

Key terms

Issuer Anesco South West Renewables
Return 7.0% IRR
Term period 6 years
Start date 1 April 2016
Maturity date 31 March 2022
Capital repayment Regular instalments
Amount raised £495,000.00
Secured or unsecured Unsecured


Debenture Deed
Download PDF The debenture deed sets out the legal agreement and terms for this investment.

Payment schedule

This table gives a breakdown of what was paid back on this investment, based on an example investment of £1,000.

Payment schedule table
Payment date Capital repayment Interest Total
9 December 2016 £83.33 £21.14 £104.47
9 June 2017 £83.33 £21.14 £104.47
8 December 2017 £83.33 £21.14 £104.47
9 June 2018 £83.33 £21.14 £104.47
9 December 2018 £83.33 £21.14 £104.47
9 June 2019 £95.38 £21.23 £116.61
9 December 2019 £81.33 £20.88 £102.21
9 June 2020 £406.64 £104.44 £511.08
Total £1,000.00 £252.25 £1,252.25