A stable long term income you can rely on

Stable long term income forms a key part of a saving and investment portfolio. But many of us also want to make sure that we don’t profit at the planet’s expense. That’s where our council investments come in.

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Look after your financial future and help tackle the climate crisis

Many UK savers and investors consider a stable income to be an important part of their financial portfolio, so no surprise that over 13 million of us* have money put aside in savings and investments that can meet this important need - fixed rate ISAs, investment bonds, annuities, and low risk investments like NS&I.

For those of you that want to make an impact on the climate crisis, our council investments are an easy way for you to do that and to create that long term income. You lend money to  UK councils specifically to help them fund their climate action plans. In return, they pay you back with interest in regular fixed payments, with a low risk on your invested capital.

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Competitive interest rates

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Regular fixed investment returns

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Low risk investment option

* Source Abundance survey from OnePoll (2,000 UK adults). February 2020. 52% of savers and investors reported holding one of the listed products