A nest egg that doesn’t wreck the nest
Millions of savers and investors are looking for a secure, long term income. But many of us also want to make sure that our profit doesn’t come at the planet’s expense. Our council investments are a great way to help you meet both of those needs.

Create a stable long term income
We understand that you need a secure home for part of your savings and investments pot. Indeed, over [60%] of UK savers and investors consider a stable, reliable income element to be one of the most important parts of their financial portfolio.
If you are one of these people, then our council investments are worth a look. They offer rates of return that are comparable to other income savings and investments like Gilts and fixed rate savings accounts. They offer a long term fixed return on your money - usually over five years - and a certain income to help with your financial planning. Something that our latest survey suggests is important to millions of us.

Lending to councils is low risk
All investments carry risk. But investing in councils is one of the lowest risk investments you can make, comparable with the risk of investing in the UK Government. (In fact, no UK council has ever failed to pay pack a loan made to it.) This is because councils provide essential services and so are subject to stringent legislation that requires them to maintain a balanced budget.

Regular returns let you build your portfolio
Creating a saving and investments portfolio is a long term thing, and you need flexibility to manage your money as your needs change. That’s why all our council investments offer regular six monthly interest payments across the investment term, and you start earning interest from the day you invest. This means you have the choice to take your returns as income, if you wish, or reinvest them into new council investments to continue to grow your nest egg.