West Berkshire Council

West Berkshire Council launched the UK's first public council green investment to help it go carbon neutral by 2030.

Total invested


West Berkshire Council has ambitious plans to tackle the climate crisis. The council unanimously declared a climate emergency on 2nd July 2019 and since then, they’ve been busy taking the first steps to tackle it. it set a target for West Berkshire to become carbon neutral by 2030 - twenty years ahead of the government target. Their plans revolve around key themes of sustainable transport, buildings, energy, waste and resource efficiency, and the natural environment.

In 2020 they became the first Council in the UK to launch a public green investment, and their involvement in this innovative the project has won a number of awards including a Public Finance Award, has featured on the inaugural Net Zero 50 list and been shortlisted for two Local Government Chronicle Awards.

Past investments  (-)

our purpose figure 1
Solar panels installed on Phoenix Centre in West Berkshire

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Supercharging solar power in West Berkshire

The council used some of the funds raised to install new solar power at council-owned sites across the district, and started work as soon as the investment started coming in.

An ambitious climate strategy

West Berkshire wants reach net zero carbon by 2030 and has an ambitious plan to work with partners and residents to get there.