Hammersmith & Fulham Council

Hammersmith & Fulham Council want to create a thriving green future that works for people and nature.

Total investment target


Investments launched


Hammersmith & Fulham Council is creating a greener, cleaner and more sustainable future to support people and nature. Its top-rated climate and ecological strategy and action plan - developed in collaboration with residents - guides their ambitious journey to making H&F carbon net zero. 

The council aims to raise £5 million through a series of investments which will help fund a range of projects from their climate action programme. These will include projects that can carbon emissions, as well as improving the local environment and helping residents adapt to the impact of the changing climate on its urban borough.

Hammersmith & Fulham Council is at the forefront of the green finance revolution. Investors know that their money is being invested in projects that will make a positive impact on our communities, and people’s lives.

Meanwhile, it means that the council can deliver climate and ecological projects cost-effectively, which will help save taxpayer money. It’s a rare win-win.

Cllr Rowan Ree

Cabinet Member for Finance and Reform, Hammersmith & Fulham Council

Past investments  (-)

Local residents standing in a Eelbrook Common
Eelbrook Common Tiny Forest planting day in Fulham

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Hammersmith & Fulham Council's climate action

The council's climate action plan has two pillars: to reach net zero carbon by 2030, and respond to the impact of a changing climate on their urban borough.

Green Loan Principle Compliant

These investments are issued under a Green Finance Framework, which means that funds raised can only be used to deliver on eligible green projects.