Camden Council

Camden Council is bringing communities into the local fight on climate change.

Total invested


Camden Council has placed community engagement at the heart of its plans to tackle the climate emergency, and work closely with local people on climate action that is making a difference in their communities. They convened a Citizens’ Assembly in 2019 to ensure that the community was central in how they set out their 17-point Climate Action Plan, which came into force in 2020.

The Camden Climate Investment allowed anyone get involved and support Camden’s ambitious borough-wide programme of climate action, and support some of the projects that will help the council achieve its target of making Camden a zero-carbon borough by 2030.

Past investments  (-)

Solar panels in York Way
Camden Council is taking climate action across the borough

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How Camden Council are using the money raised

Camden Council is working closely with residents and organisations across the borough, supporting social and climate action to make its neighbourhoods more sustainable.

Camden Council's climate action plans

The council declared a climate emergency in 2019, and convened a Citizen's Assembly to help guide their programme of climate work.